Monday 2 August 2010

Godiva Otakon 2010

Godiva Otakon 2010

I bought these at the end of Otakon 2010. There are Key lime, ice cream truffles (Neapolitan, orange and creme, and mint), the bag holds a roasted almond truffle, and the box is a surprise (from buying so much).


The first on the line is Key lime.


Kiwii went ahead and ate one, because we were leaving before she did and she wanted to try them. Her conclusion: delicious.


I personally love Key limes. Whenever I can, I try and get Key lime pie for dessert. Its something about that sourness.


These were just like all Key lime-flavoured foods: delicious, just as Kiwii said.


These are interesting because there is a ganache and a filling. The filling is definitely the main lime event.


Kiwii mentioned that there was a layer of crunchiness, with smooth filling. The crunchiness isn't extremely crunchy, but more subtle. Its a very pleasing texture. These were a great start.


The next on the list is from the Ice Cream Parlor line, oranges and creme.


I like oranges and creme. Except in soda form. Its weird. My father gets some really tasty popsicles.


These were quite good. A little sweeter than I'd like, but, then, they're white chocolate truffles.


These were, however, very successful.


And pretty.


Now on to Mint Chocolate Chip, part two of the Ice-Cream Parlor series.


These have a bit of a story to me. Last year they had them, and last year, I bought them at Otakon. I left them in my hotel room. 12 of the little things just sitting there. I was so pissed because they were really GOOD. Finally, I have them again.


And not a surprise is that they're still good.


I personally LOVE mint. I also find them on the right par of sweetness. They have a white chocolate layer and an inner milk chocolate one. I'm presuming the white is for looks (to make it green) and, perhaps, to correct its flavour.


Total success.

[Photo notes: The knife in the Key lime truffles is actually part of our silver flatware set. They have little Ks on them, for my last name. Exciting. The mandolin is a necklace charm (a HUGE one), that we got from my grandmother.

The faux ivory cat was from one of my birthdays. My father gave it to me. It was how I learned what the word faux meant. The copper rock was also a present from my father. Its from the Caledonia mine in Ontonagon Missouri. (I have several sets of rocks.) The spoon is from the Chicago World Fair 1933. Its a goldware spoon.

The black replica cat, used for the mint photos, has a silver M written on its shoulder. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. However, it entertains me because of Fritz Lang's movie, M, in which the main character gets the letter M written his shoulder, to show to the cops, who are chasing him, that he is a murderer. GREAT classic, by Fritz Lang.]

[More later]